Through the provision of evidence based, mana enhancing, timely and high-quality support we will demonstrate that whānau are leading better lives.
To know if we are making a difference for whaiora our kaimahi gathers evidence to monitor progress and outcomes so this can be discussed with whaiora.

How we know our services are supporting whānau:
We gather the information together, summarising overall outputs and outcomes of different services, and presents this in an anonymous format to our funders and the HWT Board. Personal information is always treated with respect and is confidential to whaiora and whānau.
Commissioning research and evaluation:
He Waka Tapu commission’s independent research and evaluation to understand what is working well and areas to improve service delivery for whaiora and whānau and our partners in the community.
He Waka Tapu | 2023 Evaluation Report

Over the past few years, an independent evaluation was commissioned by He Waka Tapu to understand how well they are serving the needs of whaiora and whānau and the communities they work with. The evaluation has been supported through funding from the Ministry of Health, Māori Provider Development Service (MPDS) at the time.
Please read the evaluation; it is great and provides great insight into our mahi and the outcomes we achieve collectively; it also provides suggestions on improvement areas, which are always greatly received and provide us opportunities for adjustments to be made.
This report sets out to answer three key evaluation questions:
To what extent is He Waka Tapu making a difference for whaiora and whānau? (outcome evaluation)
How is He Waka Tapu making a difference for the communities they work with? (impact evaluation)
What are He Waka Tapu strengths and what are the opportunities for improving how services are delivered? (process evaluation)
Here is our latest Evaluation Report from December 2023.

Dr Sue Carswell
(BA (Hons 1); PhD in Social Anthropology) has over 20 years social science research and evaluation experience working for government agencies, community organisations and universities, nationally and internationally to inform policy and practice. Sue’s focus is providing an evidence base to improve system and service delivery for those experiencing issues such as family violence and sexual violence, child abuse and neglect, poverty, mental health, and addictions. Her aim is to contribute towards improving outcomes for families, whānau and individuals. Sue has worked with He Waka Tapu since 2012 providing research and evaluation services.

Hector Kaiwai
Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Maniopoto, Tūhoe (BA/BMus (Conjoint); MA (Hons I) has worked professionally for over 18 years as a kaupapa Māori researcher/evaluator in the health, social service and justice sectors. He has extensive experience in all parts of the research/evaluation process including project management, research design, proposal writing, methodology design, interviewing, data collection, data analysis, dissemination and publication of results.