Community Wellbeing and Support Services.

In adition to our general practice, Te Aranga Health, He Waka Tapu provides many health care support services direct to our communty.
From support with accessing general healthcare, wāhine ora pop up clinics, cervical screening, support to quit smoking, health coaches, dedicated rangatahi support services and brief intervention mental health crisis support.
We aim to deliver a service that encompasses a holistic view on health acknowledging te taha wairua, hinengaro, tinana and whānau.
Together our team will support you in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for you and your whānau through personalised consultations, community health programs to enhance overall well-being, with dedicated advocacy.
We provide a range of services including hauora assessments, the development of individual health care plans, and can also help with connecting you and your whānau with other health services and resources within our organisation and out in the community.

We're dedicated to helping wāhine protect their health and whakapapa. Our registered nurses specialise in cervical screening and prioritise your comfort and safety, offering flexible appointments and even a door-to-door service.
Stronger for Tomorrow provides mental health and wellbeing support for children in primary school years 1-8 across Canterbury. He Waka Tapu has dedicated Kiamahi working in the Mana Ake space.
You can talk to your local school if you think your child would benefit from support from the Mana Ake team.
Whakahohoro Te Hau combines the efforts of "Purapura Whetu" and "He Waka Tapu" to aid whānau during mental health crises. Our interdisciplinary teams offer holistic support, while the Kia Piki Te Ora Suicide Prevention Team provides essential education and support for organisations facing suicidal concerns through informative workshops.

Suicide Prevention Education
If your organisation does not know what to do or how to access support for somebody who you have concerns may be suicidal, our Kia Piki Te Ora Suicide Prevention Team can equip you with the skills and confidence to address this.
Our understanding, relatable, and accessible team can come in to your workplace, school, or business to present a free 60 minute workshop to help you identify risk factors, warning signs, and how to approach the topic of suicide with the people you care about. We will then give you steps on how to best utilize the support services that are available in your community to give people the help they need. Alternatively, you can come to our place.
Experience the rejuvenating touch of Rongoā Māori through our Mirimiri sessions, alongside the healing benefits of Kōmiri. These sessions, designed to alleviate stress and discomfort, emphasise well-being because health is wealth. Whether for sports preparation, relaxation, rehabilitation, or knot relief, both Mirimiri and massage offer invaluable health benefits rooted in Mātauranga Māori."

These sessions are designed to alleviate stress and provide relief from physical discomfort. They are available for both whaiora and hapori, and best of all, they are entirely free of charge!
Accessing our many services here at He Waka Tapu is a simple and straightforward process, offering two convenient options. Firstly, individuals or can self-refer by simply visiting one of our sites, emailing reception@hewakatapu.org.nz or calling 0800 HE WAKA (43 9252). Alternatively, external organisations can easily refer individuals through our online form, streamlining the process for swift assistance.