Our newsletter is a commitment to keeping you informed about our movements and the incredible mahi our kaimahi are undertaking.

Our quarterly newsletter serves as a platform to share not just the milestones and projects we're involved in, but also the stories that make our community unique and resilient.

Together, we will celebrate the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and the positive impact we collectively bring to the lives of those we serve.

Join us on this journey of reflection, connection, and celebration. Your support and engagement are integral to our success, and we look forward to sharing the awesome mahi and whānau success that continues to shape our collective narrative.

Noho ora mai.


JUNE 2024

"We are at the halfway mark already and mid-winter celebrations are brewing, He Waka Tapu continues to move forward and planning into the second part of the year is well underway.."

Tanith Peterson - COO


Previous Pānui

Check out our previous annual reports below to see what we've been up to. Click the links to read each report.


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