Brotherhood/KND Collab
(Community Collaboration)
15 / 10 / 2024
We are excited to announce our partnership with Kidz Need Dadz Christchurch on the Brotherhood initiative! The Brotherhood has been a crucial part of He Waka Tapu for some time, and we are thrilled to welcome Kidz Need Dadz as an active participant in this important project. The brotherhood offers support to men who have faced adversity and challenges in their lives by proving much needed essential items.

We are currently conducting a stock take at the Brotherhood and have identified a significant need for men’s t-shirts, long-sleeve shirts, and jerseys in sizes S, M, and L. We also continually require (unused) socks and underwear in all sizes, as these items are in high demand.
If you or someone you know is planning to declutter their wardrobe, we kindly ask you to consider donating to the Brotherhood. Your contributions make a meaningful impact in supporting our community. We deeply appreciate your ongoing generosity.
For more details on how you can contribute to this important kaupapa, please visit the website here.
We accept donations of toiletries, supermarket/fuel vouchers, and clothing vouchers all year round. Have a household item, clothing, bedding, gym gear, or a bike to donate?
Step 1: Get in touch with us first so we can confirm it’s currently needed.
Step 2: We'll let you know the best drop off point for your donation.
Step 3: Drop it in (with the special code word), and continue your day being awesome.
All donations must be in very clean and tidy condition out of respect for Whaiora and their Whanau.
We communicate via our Facebook page, or you can email us direct.
"Having an essential item gifted to me, meant I could continue my journey of balancing my Whare Tapa Wha by getting out in the community and completing programmes to remain abstinent."
He Waka Tapu