Mauri Ora Graduation
(Te Whai Oranga)
10 / 10 / 2024
Recently, we had the honour of holding our Mauri Ora Experience (MOE) graduation ceremony. To celebrate the end of the 8 week live in programme we offer here at He Waka Tapu. While we typically refrain from posting photos from our graduations to respect the privacy of whānau in attendance, we felt compelled to share (with approval from those in attendance) this special moment. For the first time in a long while, all of our graduates were able to celebrate their achievements together, and they expressed a desire to inspire others who may be considering taking their first steps on their own healing journeys.

Mauri Ora Graduation
As one of our graduates beautifully articulated, “a journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.” This sentiment resonates deeply with us and reflects the courage it takes to embark on a path of transformation and growth. Each graduate has put in significant effort and dedication to reach this milestone, and their commitment to their healing journey deserves to be celebrated and highlighted.
The Mauri Ora programme is designed to support individuals on their journey toward holistic wellbeing, fostering emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It is heartening to see the personal growth and resilience demonstrated by our graduates, and we are extremely proud of each one of them. This graduation not only marks an end but also signifies the beginning of new opportunities and continued personal development.
As we move forward, we encourage our graduates to remain connected and engaged with our community. We hope to see their familiar faces around the whare, participating in activities and inspiring others along their paths. Maintaining these connections not only reinforces their own progress but also strengthens the bonds within our community as a whole.
We extend a big mihi to this remarkable rōpū (group) for their courage and dedication to their healing journeys. Your commitment is an inspiration to us all, and we look forward to witnessing the positive changes you will continue to make in your lives and the lives of those around you.
In the spirit of support and wellbeing, we celebrate with you: Mauri tū, mauri ora! Together, let us continue to nurture and uplift one another on our journeys towards wellness.
Alcohol and Other Drugs Residential Programme (AOD)
Mauri Ora Experience is an 8-week intensive kaupapa Māori alcohol and drug residential programme. It offers a safe, therapeutic, mana enhancing environment to facilitate recovery processes. Whaiora lives onsite and engages in a structured programme to achieve social, behavioural, and psychological change.
The phases of the programme include pre-entry whanaungatanga, powhiri (welcome), primary treatment and aftercare support. The programme operates from 7:00am to 10:00pm Monday to Sunday, with arranged activities or programme work which takes place during the evenings and weekends.