The Minister of Mental Health Rt. Hon. Matt Doocey Visits He Waka Tapu
28 / 02 / 2025
On Friday, February 28th, He Waka Tapu had the privilege of hosting the Minister of Mental Health Rt. Hon. Matt Doocey. The visit provided an opportunity to showcase the vital work being done in the community to support mental health, well-being and delivering an announcement around a new funding stream for Alcohol Harm Prevention in the community.

During his visit, Minister Doocey engaged with key stakeholders, staff and whaiora, gaining firsthand insight into the services and programmes He Waka Tapu provides.
From cultural healing approaches to counselling and rehabilitation support, the organisation plays a crucial role in empowering individuals on their journey to recovery.
The ministers visit involved, A mihi whakatau lead by He Waka Tapu - Kai Arahi: Tane Keepa, An adress by Tom Devine, Group Manager for Alcohol Harm Prevention at Te Whatu Ora, An adress by Rt. Hon Matt Doocey on some key funding inititives for the Alcohol Harm Prevention Kaupapa. Followed by and adress from He Waka Tapu CEO, Jackie Burrows, and Founder Daryl Gregory.
A key focus of the discussion was to announce "Community-based approaches to reduce alcohol harm"