Empowering and Strengthening Whānau


Noho Marae Wānanga in Ōtautahi - Christchurch, Hakatere - Ashburton and Kaikōura.

WHAT?: Our goal for this program is to enhance the skills that whānau already carry and provide whānau with new tangible tools to take back to use within their whāre.

Learning through a Kaupapa Māori lense we aim for each whānau member to leave confident and empowered to apply learnt skills to their own, whānau and communities lives, this is achieved by exposing them to identity (kō wai au), leadership (Rangatiratanga), health (hauora), and all other components of te ao māori.

Whānau will learn by being hands on, listening and practicing each workshop, where they can then grow their wider whānau and community knowledge base, supporting in the prevention of suicide and increase of overall whānau and community wellbeing.

WHO?: All whānau will have the opportunity to take part in this program that will run across a number of regions, this will include Kaikoura, Christchurch (Ōtautahi) and Ashburton (Hakatere). This includes, but is not limited to Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Children, Youth, Iwi, leaders, Kuia, Rural, Rainbow Communities and front line workers. This program will benefit whānau directly engaging in our program and their extended whānau and communities.


Cultural Identity (Kō wai au).

Mihi, Waiata, Kapa Haka.


Mau rākau.

Taha Tinana

Budgeting Advice

Open Group Introduction

Guest Speakers & More


Christchurch - Ōtautahi: Whakatā Wānanga

Ngā Hau E Whā Marae

20 - 21 April 2024

250 Pages Road, Wainoni, Christchurch 8062


Te Rūnanga o Ngā Maata Waka are the current guardians of Ngā Hau e Whā National Marae – a Marae is for every New Zealand citizen. The vision of the Marae is:

“Kia tü tënei marae hei taonga mo ngä tängata katoa, me te whakaörite i ngä tikanga tino ätaahua o Aotearoa me ngä iwi ö ngä hau e whä.”

“To be a marae for all people and to share New Zealand’s unique cultural richness with the peoples of the four winds.”


Ashburton - Hakatere: Whakatā Wānanga

Hakatere Marae

4 - 5 May 2024

439 Rakaia Highway, Fairton 7772


Although located in a Ngai Tahu area, the Hakatere Marae is not a Ngai Tahu marae. It is a marae for people from all iwi, a marae for all members of the community.

The marae was established by the Canterbury Māori Committee who originally leased the property from the Government for the disused Fairton school building and established the Hakatere Marae.

The property is now a Māori Reserve administered by the Hakatere Māori Komiti Trust.


Kaikōura: Whakatā Wānanga

Takahanga Marae

DATES: 11 July 2024 (one day wānanga)
10AM - 7PM

5 Takahanga Terrace, Kaikōura

Takahanga marae is in Kaikōura. The primary hapu is Ngāti Kuri of Ngai Tahu. The whare tupuna is named Maru Kaitatea, and was opened in January 1992.

This whare stands on the exact site of the original house, which stood here almost 200 years ago. The original marae was built approximately 450 years ago by Kāti Mamoe and has been occupied ever since. Takahanga marae connects ancestrally to the waka Araiteuru and Takitimu, the awa Te Tai o Marokura and the maunga Tapuae o Uenuku.