
One of the key kaupapa we explore is co-dependency. Our aim is to create awareness around patterns of reliance, both on others and on substances, so that whaiora can navigate their journey with greater autonomy. A metaphor, our Mauri taonga, is often woven into this process, allowing facilitators to bring a clinical lens while maintaining cultural integrity. Another kaupapa, the "Mirror," invites whaiora to sit opposite one another, engaging in deep reflection. Through mirimiri korero, facilitators guide this process, drawing out internal feelings and strengthening self-awareness in a safe and supportive environment.

At its core, Manaaki is about empowerment—reconnecting to identity, fostering self-worth, and growing self-belief through collective support.

This is a space of maintenance and support, where whaiora engage with others who are navigating abstinence or harm reduction from AOD substance use. The collective journey is honored, with an emphasis on practical strategies, cultural connection, and holistic wellbeing.

Manaaki rōpū is a Kaupapa Māori space where learning is shaped by tikanga and mātauranga Māori. We recognize that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process and encourage whaiora to explore different pathways that align with their own values and aspirations. The ultimate goal is a life of balance, connection, and wellbeing.

Our Manaaki program is a pillar of Whai Rawatia te Oranga (Pursue the Wealth of Health), our holistic health pursuit initiative. Open groups provide a space of papa kāinga ahi kā—a pā where we feel safe, connected, and grounded in our journey. Together, we strengthen our hauora, enriching our Taha Wairua (Spiritual), Taha Tinana (Physical), Taha Whānau (Family and Social), and Taha Hinengaro (Mental and Emotional) wellbeing.

By engaging in this kaupapa, we not only uplift ourselves but contribute to the shared purpose and wellbeing of our whānau and communities, embodying the principles of Te Whare Tapa Whā.

From May 02, 2024 13:00 until May 10, 2024 15:00

Te Whare Tapa Whā

Te Whare Tapa Whā, created by Sir Mason Durie, presents health and wellbeing as a wharenui/ meeting house with four walls: taha wairua - spiritual, Taha hinengraro - mental/emotional, taha tinana - physical, and taha whānau - family/social wellbeing.

Additionally taha whenua - connection to the land forms its foundation. Balancing these dimensions is crucial for overall wellness.

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