SHEAR for LIFE - Charity Shearing

Charity Shearing event supporting the Ashburton Cancer Society & Mid Canterbury Hospice.
3000 sheep to be shorn by shearer’s over the age of 50 years at Hinds Ridge Farm.
A family friendly event that will include, raffles, an auction, music and non stop shearing.
He Waka Tapu's Hakatere roopu will be supporting the event with kids games. A soft play area for Toddlers, Cornhole, Giant Jenga, Colouring in & Guess how many Lollies, with Prizes.
Hindsridge Farm
1098 Hendersons Rd,
8am - 4pm
Te Whare Tapa Whā
Te Whare Tapa Whā, created by Sir Mason Durie, presents health and wellbeing as a wharenui/ meeting house with four walls: taha wairua - spiritual, Taha hinengraro - mental/emotional, taha tinana - physical, and taha whānau - family/social wellbeing.
Additionally taha whenua - connection to the land forms its foundation. Balancing these dimensions is crucial for overall wellness.