
Fundamentals of exercise – Posture/Technique

Whether you are new to the gym/exercise environment or have been gym active for some time, this group is geared around teaching you, relearning or queuing tips on bodyweight to resistance strength based exercises with the emphasis on good solid posture and the correct technique to undertake gym exercises with confidence and safely.  

We also support to navigate your way around the various cardio machines to ensure certainty when using the equipment to push yourself to achieve those health and fitness goals you have set.

From July 24, 2024 13:30 until July 24, 2024 14:00

Te Whare Tapa Whā

Te Whare Tapa Whā, created by Sir Mason Durie, presents health and wellbeing as a wharenui/ meeting house with four walls: taha wairua - spiritual, Taha hinengraro - mental/emotional, taha tinana - physical, and taha whānau - family/social wellbeing.

Additionally taha whenua - connection to the land forms its foundation. Balancing these dimensions is crucial for overall wellness.